Meet Our New Board Members

Carolina Christian College is proud to welcome and recognize our newest board members.  CCC seeks the best and brightest minds to help, aid, and assist our institution in remaining the premier biblical institution of the Triad. Through the resources and influence of our Board of Directors  we can continue to prepare real people for real ministry in a real world. Dr. Valerie Hollingsworth Baker Dr. Valerie Hollingsworth… 

Giving Tuesday!!!

HISTORY OF #GIVINGTUESDAY GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. GivingTuesday was born and incubated at the 92nd Street Y and its Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact in New York City. GivingTuesday is now an independent nonprofit and a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. We… 

Celebrate Our President’s Birthday by Helping a Student

Did You Know? “The average student can only afford to go to 24% of four-year institutions of higher education in the United States. They can only make 40% of two-year colleges work financially.”~University Business   Celebrate Our President’s Birthday By Helping a Student! CCC President Dr. LaTanya Tyson   Our 5th President, Dr. LaTanya Tyson is celebrating her 49th birthday this month! She is asking our faithful… 

CCC Welcomes Largest Incoming Class Since 2018

It’s an historic day at CCC. The pandemic left many schools struggling to adjust and maintain enrollment. Many schools did not survive the pandemic, but CCC was favored to survive and rebound. Beginning with a stellar athletic program, CCC was forced to be innovative to attract students and expand our offerings. Major successes was the 21 Century Leadership Program and the Certified Spiritual Life Coaching Program that… 

The 2024-25 Academic Year Has Begun!

On Saturdays August 10, 2024 Carolina Christian College welcomed students to the new student orientation for the 24-25 academic year. CCC is proud to welcome a new freshman class of scholars and athletes. With our new addition of women’s soccer along with our current program of men’s and women’s basketball we will be welcoming students from all walks of life to join the CCC family. Dean of… 

Grand Coaching Program

Carolina Christian College is proud to introduce our new Grand Coaching program. Are you ready to create a lasting impression on your grandchild’s life? Imagine being the steady hand that guides them through life’s challenges and opportunities. It’s a powerful role, and we’re here to help you embrace it fully. God can and will use grandparents to head off destructive trends in the lives of our grandchildren.… 

2024 Donald R. Young Hope Award Winner

In 2003 President Donald R. Young instituted the Hope award for graduates that inspire hope through trial and victory. The award was posthumously named after Dr. Young’s passing, and has been awarded to those students that overcame the odds of life to complete their education, thereby giving hope to others that see education as out of their reach. This year’s Carolina Christian College’s  Donald R. Young Hope… 

Carolina Christian College 74th Graduation Ceremony

  Carolina Christian College held its 74th graduation ceremony at Reynolda Church in Winston-Salem, NC at 1pm. The event was inspirational and historic for CCC. Approaching its 80th year in existence, CCC graduated 11 students in a spirit filled ceremony. Dr. James Wiles of Elon First Baptist Church was the commencement speaker. The message for this occasion came from Phil. 1:6 and was entitled “God believes in… 

CCC Hires New Athletic Director

Maurice Crocker Maurice Crocker, the former owner of SHOWTIME PHYSIQUE Health and Wellness Studio, LLC and a Personal Trainer for 19 years in the Triad area.  He is a graduate of North Carolina Central University, with a degree in English-Literature and Journalism.  Upon graduation, his professional career began working as journalist for a New York Times newspaper in Thibodaux, La.  After several years as a journalist, Maurice… 

NCCAA Announces Carolina Christian College as New Member for 2023-24

  Greenville, SC (5/26/23) – The National Christian College Athletic Association (NCCAA) is pleased to announce and welcome its newest members for the 2023-24 academic year: Carolina Christian College and Wayland Baptist University. Justice College, Kuyper College, and Westmont College were previously announced as new members. NCCAA Executive Director Dan Wood said, “We continue to see a mix of new members utilizing intercollegiate athletics to grow along…