President Tyson and Camry Barbour
In 2003 President Donald R. Young instituted the Hope award for graduates that inspire hope through trial and victory. The award was posthumously named after Dr. Young’s passing, and has been awarded to those students that overcame the odds of life to complete their education, thereby giving hope to others that see education as out of their reach. This year’s Carolina Christian College’s Donald R. Young Hope award winner was Camry Barbour. Camry affectional known and “Cam” serves as team leader for the mens basketball team, a stellar student, and the spiritual bright spot in the athletic program. When Cam first enrolled, his only goal was to finish his degree.
Since that time, his goals have grown with his maturity. He now works as a manger at a local sneaker store, and has aspirations for more. He says, “My plans are to open my own training facility for athletes. I will be training athletes who are serious about their future in the sport of basketball. Also, I want to continue my education in business finance to have a career as a mortgage loan officer.”
Cam is an active member of United Metropolitain Baptist Church where he is beginning to thrive in leadership positions in the church. We are proud of Cam and all of our graduates. We pray that all of our graduates meet every goal they aspire to reach, and we as an institution will continue to prepare real people for real ministry in a real world.
We are now enrolling for the fall. For more information call 336-744-0900.
We offer associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees. We also offer athletic opportunities for student athletes.
For more information about Carolina Athletics click here.
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