Attending college for the first time can be an overwhelming experience for many. Being away from home, understanding how the campus system works, meeting new people and of course, the course work are the main contributors to first-time freshmen not returning the next year or not completing their first year. College does not have to be the overwhelming experience that it could be if you follow three important steps.

  1. Make a plan

Planning your college journey is probably one of the most important steps one can take for college success. Choosing the right college, choosing the right major, planning an effective financial plan to avoid going into debt and organizing your class load will make your college experience one to appreciate and remember.

  1. Manage your time

Time management ranks at the top of reasons why first-time freshmen fail in college. Understanding that you are responsible for your class schedule, assignment deadlines, meetings, study time, and other responsibilities, you will quickly realize there is little time for Fortnite and TikTok.

  1. Make your mind up to just “Do It”

Succeeding in college includes not only brain power, but even more so willpower. Making your mind up to just do your work will create an environment of discipline that will eventually become an effective habit. There will be temptation to engage in social activities, athletic events, dating, and…playing Fortnite, but you must remember why you are in college, to get an education first and everything else comes second. Live by the motto, “Work hard now, so you can play harder later” and you will be a success not only in college but also in life.


June 28,2022 Dr. T. Tyrone Tyson
Dr. Tyson serves and the Dean of Students and full time professor at Carolina Christian College. He is the founder and presiding Bishop of the Agape Fellowship of Churches USA and Uganda,