Carolina Christian College is proud to welcome and recognize our newest board members.  CCC seeks the best and brightest minds to help, aid, and assist our institution in remaining the premier biblical institution of the Triad. Through the resources and influence of our Board of Directors  we can continue to prepare real people for real ministry in a real world.

Dr. Valerie Hollingsworth Baker

Dr. Valerie Hollingsworth Baker, born in Brooklyn, New York, Valerie Hollingsworth Baker served as the 25th International Centennial Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated from July 2018 – July 2022.

Valerie was honored by the United Negro College Fund as a “Maya Angelou Women Who Lead” Honoree in September 2020 and commissioned by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as an Honorary Kentucky Colonel in September 2022. She currently serves as the Vice President of Hancock T&T Block Association and is a member of the NAACP and the National Council of Negro Women.

Dr. Hollingsworth Baker currently serves on the Chairman of the Zeta National Education Foundation Board. Valerie has recently launched her own business entitled “M.C. Hollingsworth Unlimited” an LLC specializing in Global Women Empowerment, Personal Coaching, Event Sourcing, and creating fundraising strategies/opportunities for non-profit organizations/foundations. Conferred Honorary Doctor of Ministry from Carolina Christian College; May 2023. Currently holds the position of Chairman of the Zeta National Educational Foundation as of August 2023 As the International Centennial President, Valerie and the Centennial Chair were responsible for the organization’s weeklong historic Centennial celebration, which took place January 12-18, 2020.

Dr. Adrienne B. Johnson

Dr. Adrienne Booth Johnson is an internationally respected business strategist and motivational speaker. She has expertise and experience in marketing, management, communications and business development. She is a Coca-Cola Company marketing executive who retired after 25 years of service. She founded Infinity Global Connections, LLC, (“IGC”) which empowers individuals, companies and organizations to achieve their greatest potential.

Dr. Johnson founded and successfully launched the Wo Ye Bra pilot program in Greater Accra, Ghana, West Africa in 2017. It has a dual-purpose , to train women to become entrepreneurs who make and sell reusable sanitary pads, and to keep girls in school during their menstrual cycle. She provides all the resources and training for impoverished women to learn the trade of sewing. She provides each participant with a free sewing machine, fabric, supplies, and micro-funding, as well as marketing, sales training and financial education.



Attorney Joe Johnson

Attorney Joe Johnson has practiced law in Michigan and North Carolina since 1991.  He has practiced in Law Firms, Public Interest Law, Private Practice, and in Corporate Law, as a Litigation Counsel for The Coca-Cola Company.  He specializes in the areas of Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Worker’s Compensation, Social Security, Intellectual Property, Litigation, Licensing, Insolvency and Non-profit Board Governance.

Attorney Johnson holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan where he was co-captain of the basketball team. He earned his law degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan, where he was a Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King scholar.