President Tyson Voted Soror of the Year By Zeta Phi Beta

We are honored to announce that our very own president Dr. LaTanya Tyson is Rho Zeta Chaper of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. soror of the year! Dr. Tyson attended the University of South Florida where she became a member of Apha Eta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority inc. She then matriculated to Winston-Salem and transferred to Rho Zeta Chapter. Since then, her tireless and faithful… 


This column about racial justice, equality, and reconciliation was written by three Christian college presidents. Larry Griffin serves as president of Mid-South Christian College, Memphis, Tenn.; Dr. LaTanya Tyson serves as president of Carolina Christian College, Winston-Salem, N.C.; and Dr. David Fincher serves as president of Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly, Mo., while also leading the Association of Christian Church Colleges and Universities. CLICK HERE… 

Get Your Education and Ordination Through Pathways

Pathway to Ministry, a unique initiative between Restorations, Inc. and Carolina Christian College, is designed to equip and empower those who are called to lead their homes, communities, cities, churches, and the world toward becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus. Pathways to Ministry will focus on growing your biblical understanding, leadership abilities, and ministry experience. This certificate program is for professional staff, Elders, Deacons, and lay leaders…